Friday was a “rainy day” for me. You know one of those days where you wake up tired and don’t want to do anything but sleep on the couch and watch movies all day. Those days when you don’t feel like spending time with Jesus.
As I was laying on the couch all I could think about was spending time with Him and that I needed to. I decided to watch a teaching from Joyce Meyer. After that I then went on to read in “His Princess Warrior- Love Letters for Strength from Your Lord” By Sheri Rose Shepherd. The day’s subject was Rest For the Warrior:
My Weary Warrior
I am never too tired to carry you when you’re too weak to walk. This is one of the privileges of being My Princess. Take My gift of a Sabbath and rest, My beloved. Allow your body and mind to refuel while you rest. I can lift that heaviness in your heart so you will be more effective. Let Me be your refuge when you’re weary from life. I am the One who wants to bear all burdens. Come rest in Me to receive My perfect peace, which will refresh and renew your strength. Now let go and find rest for your weary soul.
Your God of perfect peace
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
He tells us to come to Him when we are weary (tired) and He will give us rest and renew our strength. Jesus, you are faithful to me even when I don’t feel like spending time with you. He is such a loving God, such a gentleman.
I was pumped, so I went on to read in my book that I’m reading by Joyce Meyer. The opening verse was:
And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint. Galatians 6:9
Joyce put this as: the Apostle Paul simply encourages us to keep on keeping on! Don’t be a quitter! Don’t have that old “give-up” spirit. God is looking for People who will go all the way through with Him.
That really hit me. Here I was being selfish and just doing what I wanted to do. Not spending time with the one I love the most. He wants us to push through in the times where we don’t “feel” like it. He has been teaching me lately that our relationship with Him cannot be based on emotions. It has to be based on what His Word says. We have to stand on solid ground. Emotions come and go, but His Word stands forever!
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