Friday, February 24, 2012


Hey guys, just wanted to update you all on what we will be doing in Turkey!! I will be using abbreviations for some things for our teams safety, so if you aren't sure what it means please message me about it, or just get the general idea of what I am saying! :)

We are leaving March 27th. We have a really long lay over in San Francisco so we will be able to leave the airport & take an adventure around the city. I am really excited for this because I have never been to California! Next, we will fly to Germany and from there to Turkey!

1st Destination: Antalya!

Based on the Apostle Paul’s port of entry and exit to Asia Minor, you begin with some basic language and cultural adaptions, lead out in Burns, sow into long-term workers, share the Good News, release the miraculous, and celebrate Christ’s Resurrection with the expat community by helping lead worship!  This is also the city where we are based as a family!

 2nd Destination: Izmir ( Smyrna )

The Burn was launched here a few years back and soon a fully functioning hop will open. Our team will join in prayer & encouragement for those who are a part of hop. We will help man the hop, prayer walk in strategic areas (like the ruins of the old city), and outreach to a needy, dark area where Islam, consumerism, and sex trafficking are prevalent.

3rd Destination: Villages of Antalya

We will join an existing ministry called Awake Antalya in major pioneering prayer and outreach. This strategic initiative will take us to rural Turkish villages that have never seen a foreigner, never have been prayed for, and never have heard, felt, or seen the Gospel!!!

4th Destination: Cappadocia

We will launch the first burn here! This region is known as the bible belt of the ancient world filled with over 3,000 prayer rooms where Basil the Great first fused mission, community, & prayer together! In addition to launching the burn in an underground cave in a super strategic area, we will help teach basic music to "m" kids, prayer walk in some super strategic villiages, and praying in some of the ancient prayer furnaces and whatever else God leads us to do!!

5th Destination: Kusadasi 

We have the honor of being invited to launch the Burn at the nation Y conference! We will lead out in prayer, worship, and soak the Y pioneers with whatever God gives us. This will be a time of relaxation & debriefing for us.

6th Destination: Villages of Antalya

This will be really similar to the one above but to a different village! We will also be hosting some nights of prayer leading up to a Burn on Pentecost.

7th Destination: Antalya

We will head back to Antalya where we can reconnect with those we have shared the Gospel with and relationships we have built. We will have more strategic EV and outreach.

We are so so so excited for this outreach! God has placed us with amazing leaders, teammates, and location! We are excited for what God has for us in this! Please continue to pray for us! love you all!!


  1. I spent 2 months with a DTS team in Izmir! The whole thing sounds awesome guys!

    Bless you.

  2. that is awesome! we are so excited to go!! :)
