Saturday, March 17, 2012

Eastern Montana better get ready!

People get ready…Jesus is coming
Just vision casting here in the glory room, getting more and more vision for Eastern Montana.  i can just imagine little fires burning everywhere.  Starting at the Glendive Alliance Church in the spring/summer of 2012. People start getting radically transformed because of the revelation of their sin and the love of Jesus. The people of the Glendive Alliance Church start breaking out in signs and wonders. They recognize the urgency of the time they live in.  They will seek NO  glory of their own as they begin to reach out to their families, then to their communities and work places. Then, people surrounding areas start hearing of the radical love that these people have through things like Facebook and texting, so they decide to check this out. People like Dale Diede and his two sons from Ekalaka finally discover that the passions and desires that they have deep down inside of them for excitement, true friendship and community, are the desires that God has put there. They being to worship the most high King and make Jesus the Lord of their life. This new thing begins to sweep across all of Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota. All of these little towns start sending out missionaries to the hardest and darkest places. This first major revival in this area!! Then it will move into reformation where houses of prayer start popping up all over, and people aren't "cool " unless they are laying their life down for others. The farmers and ranchers start to become more prosperous than ever before. The oil boom then does not end, it only increases and men are learning more and more how this oil and these jobs are gifts from God and ALL the glory should be given to Him and only Him. The rig crews start inviting some of the worst men on their rigs so that they can baptize them in the presence of God. Other men start asking land owners if they can preach the gospel to the rig crews on their land. Oh man, the day is coming soon. When to live in Eastern, MT means to prosper, to live here means to be transformed; to live here means that you preach the gospel every day through the way that you live. To live in Eastern Montana is to live in REVIVAL!! 

Carly, Ash and I have been living together for that past week or so and God has really been giving us a heart for what He is doing in this area! We are all so excited to see all of this come to fruition. I got this vision last night while we were all laying down ready for bed. I feel as if this is just a continuation of the word that God gave us at the burn, 1 Corinthians 3:9 EYE HAS NOT SEEN, NOR EAR HEAR, NOR HAVE ENTERED INTO THE HEART OF MAN THE THINGS WHICH THE LORD HAS FOR THOSE HE LOVES. He really loves us all so much! So much that He was willing to die for us! Let us give Him the reward of His suffering and move into this radical place of WORSHIP!!  

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