HEY!!! I can't even begin to explain all of the things that God has been revealing to me ever since I confessed my addiction to pornography. I have a journal and I have never really been too big into writing in it a lot, but since Sept. 28 i have filled up more that half of my journal, just trying to remember all the new things that i am learning and going through. My biggest prayer since all of this has happened was that through all of this that i could help other men who struggle with the same problems as me. Hope you enjoy what God is doing, not just in me but so many others.
God i pray that i could confine all of the things that You are doing into a short enough blog that people could keep paying attention. Thank You.
Something that has been coming up so much is the few verses in Ephesians 1. It is Paul's prayer for that church,
Eph 1:17-18 "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,
(may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,
the eyes of your heart being enlightened; that you may know the what is the hope of His calling),
what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.
this has been my prayer for me, and the whole church body. God give us new and fresh revelation about You and who You are!! and that "the eyes of our heart would be enlightened". God help us to GET IT! really get it, not just know in our head things about You, but know in the depths of our hearts the things about You that captivate us!!
God has enlightened the eyes of my heart in so many ways, i understand so much better now the need for intimacy with Jesus. i listened to a sermon by Misty Edwards on the parable of the 10 virgins called psalm 45. i have no idea why she called it that, but she went through and explained what the things in there represented. the 10 virgins are believers in the last days waiting on Jesus' return. The lamps are there calling, or their ministry. finally the oil represents intimacy with Jesus. in the last days there will be foolish Christians that are so focused on their ministry (lamp) that they won't actually be spending the time with Jesus (oil). then when He comes back He will say "I never knew you". then there will be wise one that took the time to spend with our Lord that they really know Him intimately and they will be ready for the marriage feast!!
We all need to be spending more time with the One who made us. He really wants us to know Him intimately, more than what we see in the church today. We will be married to Him some day, would you want to get married to someone that you didn't know that well? Neither does Jesus!
We are the body of Christ, and when my stomach has something good in it, the rest of my body knows it and gets to experience the joy from that good thing. I am convinced that when Christ is working in one, like me, it is most definitely not limited to that one person, Christ extends the goodness to all. So i know that as my eyes are being enlightened and i am growing in intimacy with Him so will you!! When we are obedient to Him, He blesses us beyond belief, get out of the rut that you are in and spend time with the Joy Maker :)
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